
About Niran Al-Agba

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So far Niran Al-Agba has created 230 blog entries.

MOC: How the American Board of Pediatrics Failed this Nursing Physician

While swiping our credit cards to fund this atrocity known as Maintenance of Certification, maybe your group could take a few moments to streamline your rigid and archaic application process? It is not exactly rocket science or is keeping track of so much money simply too exhausting?

Using Index Cards as Medical Record Tools

Let us go back for a moment to ponder this ingenious idea of using an index card as a medical record tool. Low cost, top quality medical care is the Holy Grail for which everyone in the field of medicine is searching. Is it conceivable we already found it, used it for more than a century, and abandoned it in light of its simplicity? Possibly.

Be Low-Tech When You Can… Internet and Gaming Addiction

What both technology folks and pediatricians know is limiting access to video games allows children to find pleasure in everyday life activities—engaging with friends and family, reading, playing outside, and achieving in school. They learn the true value of a hard day’s work. Isn’t that what we all want for our children?

2020-05-03T16:43:40+00:00May 23, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , |

Where Does the Story Begin For a Physician?

Yes, I was accepted to medical school because I was a competitive baton twirler. I devoted more than 10 years of my life to perfecting my performance and here is the letter my very gutsy 20 year old self sent to the Dean of the Medical School more than 20 years ago. Recently, an older video of my performance was posted online and I thought posting the ONE that really mattered in my life was worthwhile to share. Here is where I learned to stand up for what I believe in.

2020-05-03T16:44:56+00:00May 22, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Three Generations of Pediatric Care

Hippocrates said, “Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.” The relationships with families continue long after their children are grown up and become parents themselves. Our role in the lives of the human beings for whom we have lovingly cared is a wonderful blessing, but also a grind on my heart. It is a relationship I treasure.

2020-05-03T16:51:05+00:00May 17, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , |
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