
About Niran Al-Agba

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So far Niran Al-Agba has created 230 blog entries.

Nixing the Louse

Apparently, someone had purchased Nix, used it at home, put the nearly empty bottles back inside the box, and glued the top shut (in hindsight, there was a lot of glue inside the box top.) Sadly, I returned to the store, explained what had happened, purchased another two bottle package, and headed home for some “louse and me” time. Hopefully, you are laughing because I was not last night heading back to the store.

2020-05-04T01:30:46+00:00December 6, 2016|Categories: Patient|Tags: , , , |

Sometimes We Are Heroes and Sometimes We Are Villains.

Every year when this child comes in for an annual check-up, I think back to the moments when I seemed like both hero and villain. This fragile infant recovered and has grown into a young man. It is important that physicians be intelligent, caring, empathetic, and work hard, but sometimes timing can make all the difference. While I do hope my future holds more days as a hero than a villain, this young man is a constant reminder for me to be grateful to those parents who place their precious children in my loving hands.

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